Can’t remember? Yep, you’re not alone. We’ve seen thousands of homes go neglected, some by choice but most from a lack of knowledge/understanding on how to maintain a home. We don’t expect every homeowner to know how to spot early signs of problems, if we did, we’d probably be out of a job! After years of inspecting and teaching clients about their homes, we’ve realized the need for more than just a one-time home inspection; a service that would help the client stay current on the condition of their home on a yearly basis at an affordable price.
We take ourselves to doctors for checkups from time to time, take our cars into the mechanic, but who has inspected your largest investment since you bought it? We all know the logic: Spend $100 today to prevent $1,000 (or more) later. Every property sees heavy wear and tear from the exterior elements as well as people living and operating the systems in a home. Often there are early signs that something is starting to deteriorate or fail and catching them early is a way to keep little problems from turning into big problems. Just like a physical, an Annual Inspection can catch problems early and give you the peace of mind of a clean bill of health. HomeKey Inspections does not provide any kind of repair service, we are purely an inspection company. We don’t have any skin in the game so you can feel confident that our reports are honest and unbiased. With HomeKey’s Annual Inspection Program we will conduct a 25+ Point maintenance inspection designed to alert you to any deferred maintenance or aging system concerns your inspector may find when performing the annual inspection, as well as give you an idea of the remaining life expectancy on the major systems/components of the property. (Note: This is for homes two years or older, it is not a home inspection to find defects or deficiencies and does not take the place of a home inspection for pre-purchase, pre-settlement, pre-listing, pre-drywall, or warranty inspection)